Kid Links
Come explore our interactive websites!
- Newsela - News for students that can be changed to their own reading level
- Starfall - Great program for reading phonics practice
- Imagine Learning English - Great for our English Language Learners
- Reading Counts - Used in our Library to help kids earn points on the books they have read
- IXL math - Every student at our school is given an account and password
- Khanacademy - Every student can log in with their district e-mails
- Kidblog - Each class has a class blog where students work is published and shared, for students, teachers, and parents eyes only!
- Google Drive - Students writing portfolios will be carried over from year to year
- Typing Club - Learn to Type
Teacher Resources and Assessments:
- Ed1Stop - Students have passwords that let them use services like BrainPop and more!
- Verso - lets students highlight online text to check comprehension
- Kahoot - Game show quiz
- Kaizena - give and get audio feedback or answers
- Class Dojo - class points and communication with parents