Title 1 Information
What is Title I?
Title I, Part A provides supplemental federal funds to help meet the educational needs of low-achieving students in the highest-poverty schools. Schools in which children from low-income families make up at least 40 percent of enrollment are eligible to use Title I funds to operate schoolwide programs that serve all children in the school in order to raise the achievement of the lowest-achieving students. MDUSD schools that rank into Title I deliver supplemental services through a comprehensive school-wide plan under the schoolwide program (SWP) model. The supplemental funds received are allocated through the school’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The School Site Council (SSC) is responsible for developing, reviewing and approving the SPSA with advice from appropriate school advisory committees. Expenses described in the SPSA must be aligned to data that will address specific needs and must be annually evaluated.
Title I SWP and Parent Engagement
MDUSD Parent and Family Engagement Policy (English | Spanish)
The policy is annually distributed to parents and is required for Title 1 schools. The policy describes how MDUSD will involve parents in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), provide coordination and technical assistance to schools for parent involvement, build parent and school capacity, annually evaluate the policy and involve parents in Title 1 school activities. A copy of the MDUSD Parent and Family Engagement Policy can be found in the school office or on the MDUSD website.
Fair Oaks Parent and Family Engagement Policy - (English & Spanish)
School-level policies must be jointly developed and distributed to parents, describe how the school will carry out requirements, be provided in an understandable language, be periodically updated, and approved by the local Board of Education. Please see Appendix A for the Fair Oaks Elementary, Title I, Part A School Parent and Family Engagement Policy
School-Family Compact - (English & Spanish)
Any school receiving Title I funds must have a School-Family compact. A compact is a voluntary agreement between groups of people and is a component of the school-level parent involvement policy. It outlines how parents, school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The school-family compact will be completed each year during Bulldog Day, however, a copy of it can be found in Appendix A for your reference.
TITLE I SWP and Teachers and Paraprofessionals
Parents' Right to Know
Parents/Families may request information about the qualifications of their children’s teachers and paraprofessionals who provide educational assistance to their children. For more information please contact the Principal, Carolyn Hull at hullc@mdusd.org.
Annual Title I Meeting
The Title I Program will be reviewed in detail at our Annual Title 1 Meeting. We hope that you will join us for this informative session:
Annual Title 1 Meeting
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Multi-Use Room